APC stands for Angle Polished Connector. It is the green connector in the picture below. Note that the tip of the white ceramic has an angle on it. This angle prevents backreflections which will seriously degrade the performance of any analog fiber optic system, such as CATV and Satellite. BigCatCables.com offers a variety of Single Mode APC Fiber Cables in a varity of lengths, options and connectors.

5 meter SC/SC - APC - Singlemode Simplex OFNR 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable
Sale price$3.14
In stock, 180 (Including Any/All options)

3 meter LC/LC - APC - Singlemode Simplex OFNR 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable
Sale price$3.15
In stock, 11 (Including Any/All options)

5 meter LC/LC - APC - Singlemode Simplex OFNR 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable
Sale price$3.60
In stock, 5 (Including Any/All options)
1 meter SC/SC - APC - Singlemode Duplex OFNR 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable
Sale price$4.60
In stock, 9 (Including Any/All options)
2 meter SC/SC - APC - Singlemode Duplex OFNR 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable
Sale price$4.95
In stock, 10 (Including Any/All options)
2 meter LC/LC - APC - Singlemode Duplex OFNR 2.0mm Fiber Optic Patch Cable
Sale price$5.25
In stock, 2 (Including Any/All options)